Physiology of Transport in Plants
Plants are unique among living beings as they are capable of producing enough food materials not only for themselves but for other organisms also. They remain in situ, absorb the necessary raw materials from soil and manufacture organic substances. The stationary posture of plants however poses a problem for plants as all parts can not absorb inorganic raw materials from soil and also underground parts (being non green) can not prepare food. This necessitates a mechanism for multichannel transportation. The phenomenon of transportation in deed becomes very complex when distances to be travelled are very long as in trees. Physiology of Transport in Plants analyses the various aspects of transportation such as structures involved, direction, pathways, mechanism, energy involved etc. in a detailed way. The book has chapters dealing with transportation phenomena of both organic and inorganic constituents including the absorption and loss of water. As the understanding of cell structure is integral to the study of any physiology process, chapter two deals with cell in an exhaustive manner.
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