Climate Change in the Himalayas: Preserving the Third Pole for Cooling the Earth
The Himalayas are the highest, the loftiest and the most fragile ecosystem on the Earth. As they accumulate the largest mass of snow and ice outside the North and South Poles, it is often referred to as the Third Pole. The Third Pole, apart from influencing global weather system, also contributes to cooling the planet Earth. Climate change exhibiting the rising temperature to an alarming extent is posing a threat not only to the Himalayas but also to the plain areas due to natural highland-lowland ecological linkages.
This book attempts to present a real picture of the Himalayas as emerging owing to ominous climate change which is spreading its tentacles all over the globe and needs to be adequately and conclusively responded. Adoption of strategies and climate change mitigation, which appear to be possible, would lead to ecological restoration in the Himalayas. Cooling of the Himalayas and well-being of the cryosphere are a prerequisite for cooling the planet Earth. This book provides useful matter and, in the wake of ongoing climate change phenomenon, it would prove to be of critical value for climate scientists, ecologists, environmental engineers, mountain scholars, planners and policy-makers.
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