Manual of Histoid Leprosy
Histoid leprosy is a well-known entity, the impact of which on the global leprosy elimination program has been a topic of dialogue. Hence, it is befitting to have a rich didactic contents for teaching, learning and research. It is now sitting cozy over the continuous leprosy spectrum. In fact, it forms its 8th component. The transformation of multibacillary (MB) leprosy is widely acclaimed and recognized globally, while conversion of indeterminate, a passing phase in natural history of leprosy, has never been highlighted, though it is a plausible proposition. Currently, it seems to possess multi-and pauci-bacillary components. Indeed, the latter is intriguing and should be worked up in the future. The black and white photographs are retained. In addition, a color atlas has been incorporated to facilitate the comprehension of the clinical connotation and its instant diagnosis. Slit-skin smear examination, as an office procedure, may facilitate the diagnosis. Its confirmation, however, is required through salient microscopic pathology. The addition of the color atlas may amicably meet the diagnostic requirements. The transformed format incorporating the elaboration of step-by-step execution of various facts so dear to the entity, warranting up-to-date literature alerts. The current document, for all intents and purposes, should therefore serve as an enriched resource material for education.
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