Economics of Primary Health Care Services
Primary Health Care Services plays a major role in developing the rural health. It consists of three main functions namely curative, preventive and promotive Health care services. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the role of PHCs in development of rural health in the rural areas. We tried to assess the location of PHCs and their accessibility to the rural people, the staffing pattern of the PHCs, their working time and its suitability to the villagers. It is found that the PHCs have helped in the reduction of morbidity and mortality of the villagers of all age groups. Close accessibility of the PHCs is very important for the villagers otherwise they tend to prefer the private practitioners who suffer from complete absence of ethics.
Providing good roads, power supply, safe drinking water and rural sanitation has proved to be the important reason for improvement of rural health. In this regard, PHCs have to see the infrastructure improvement and to carryout periodic immunization.
Educating the rural women in found to reduce the morbidity and morality of diseases among the rural population. Lack of manpower, lack of speciality services, functional inefficiency of the staff shortage of drugs etc, play a havoc in providing ideal rural health.
There is a need for 24 hours service in PHCs. Above all there is a formulating health plan for each village and training Panchayat Rai institutions to control and mange public health services. All PHCs should be strengthened through adequate fund for each center to enable local planning and action. Mahatma Gandhi said that India lives in villages. Similarly Abdul Kalam says that India can become a super power if only villages improve. So the improved health of villagers through the effective functioning of PHCs will go a long way in the progress of India.
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Bibliographic information
J Fredrick