Religious Revitalisation Movements in Manipur
The growth of conflict over the ideology and nature of practire between the Hinduism and primal religion which some people used to call it Sanamahism is a new phenomenon in the ongoing courses of the history of Manipur. The tendency for the growth of this religious conflict was started from the first part of the twentieth century.
Naoria Phullo set to revive and revitalize the philosophy and concept of the primal religion of the Meiteis by establishing the Apokpa Marup at Laishram Khul, Jafribon, Cachar in 1930. Another organization called Meitei Marup was also established by Takhellambam Bokul one of the most prominent followers of Phullo.
Right from the beginning, the revival movement met with serious opposition from the Hinduised Meiteis who had the support of the Meitei King. By the 70s of the 20 century, the revival movement slowly gained strong foundation and became popular particularly among the educated youths of the state. At times the movement assumed revolutionary character and this conflict between the Meitei revivalists and the Pro Hindu Meiteis has still been an unending process in present Meitei society.
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