Chile in The Age of Globalisation: Dialogue with India
Chile is one of the most internationalized economies in the world; and this makes it arguably one of the most important partners of India in trade and economic cooperation from the Latin American region. The global economic competitiveness and technological capabilities make Chile adopt an activist foreign policy which projects the country as a middle power in international relations. Chile is also considered a successful model of multi party coalitional democracy; besides, its success in instituting social security programmes bears relevance for inclusive growth strategies of India and other countries. The compendium critically evaluates the pluralist democratic and inclusive developmental experiences and foreign policy activism of Chile, and points out the critical gaps in terms of its treatment of the issues of the indigenous communities, environment, and corruption. It examines the importance of social capital in managing the effects of natural disasters place of the health services in sustaining both democracy and economic growth, and the security threats posed by varieties of non-state actors.
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Bibliographic information
Eugenio Guzman
Andreas E Feldmann