Jagadisayasolaksmih: Indology on Cloud 9; Prof. Jagdish Sahai Kulshreshtha Ekanavatimahotsava Festschrift
The volume comprises some 100 panegyrics, articles and research papers that deal with various aspects of Sanskrit, Indology and Musicology. The eulogical and laudatory poems, memoirs and tributes to Prof. J. S. Kulshreshtha bring out characteristics of his personality and his contribution to Sanskrit, Indology and Musicology. The papers in English and Hindi discuss Vedic, sociological, education, religious, linguistic and literary aspects of Indian society and culture. They take up the Indian Epics and Puranas, and works of Panini, Kalidasa, Nagananda, Kautilya, Apastambha and Aurobindo to throw light on the evolution of Indian traditions and thought. The Dharmashastras, sun worship, music and dance, marriage and dowry, puppetry are among the various specific themes covered.
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Bibliographic information
Sushma Kulshreshtha
Abha Kulshreshtha
Vibha Gupta