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International Business Management

B K Gupta (Author)

When it comes to international commerce and business business and culture must be taught together. This is the ethos behind this groundbreaking textbook that successfully interweaves the concepts of globalisation international management and the intricacies of international business. International business as a field of study and practice encompasses that public and private business activity affecting the persons or institutions of more than one national state territory or colony. Doing business across borders subtly changes the processes and skills needed by the successful manager. Cultural social geographic and legal factors serve to complicate the picture. The mantra for managers today is think global act local. This successful text has been extended to cover the latest developments in international management.

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Bibliographic information

Title International Business Management
Author B K Gupta
Format Hardcover
Date published: 13.04.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Mohit Publications
Language: English
isbn 9788174456342
length v+265p.