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Managing Global Recession

Pranav Saraswat (Author) Dhawal Bhatt (Author)

Most of the countries around the world are going through this phase of economic recession. Many old and big companies have already been brought down on their knees to bite the dust. Many companies as well as countries have become bankrupt or are on the verge of it. Millions and millions of people have lost their jobs. Many people have lost millions and billions of dollars in the process. People in general are scared and fearsome. This is not the first time that the global economy is going through recession and this is also not possibly the last time. There is a pattern involved in it. On an average it is happening after every 8-10 years.

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Bibliographic information

Title Managing Global Recession
Format Hardcover
Date published: 16.04.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789380995519
length xv+260p.