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Morphology and Economic Botany of Angiosperms

S. Sundara Rajan (Author)
Synopsis The book consists of two parts Morphology (Part I) and Economic Botany (Part II). Part one consists of eleven chapters and deals with the morphological aspects of vegetative as well as reproductive parts of flowering plants. Part two also has eleven chapters (Chapter 12 to 22) dealing with economic uses of angiosperms. Chapter 22 gives an account of Glossary of Technical Terms which the students should find to be of great help particularly in practical examinations.
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About the author

S. Sundara Rajan

Dr. S. Sundara Rajan obtained the D.Sc. degree in Botany from the University of Mysore, specializing in plant morphology. He has been teaching and conducting research in Botany for the past 33 years. Currently, he is the Head of the Post-graduate Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore. Dr. Sundara Rajan’s research interests include plant morphology, physiology, genetics and evolution. He has published over 40 research papers in National and International Journals and has authored more than a dozen books on botany published by leading publishers of India. Dr. Sundara Rajan has traveled abroad widely and has presented papers in many International Conferences. He has contributed several invited articles to many books and encyclopaedias. Presently, his research interests include tracing the history of botany in ancient India, on which he has published about half a dozen papers. Dr. Sundara Rajan has received many research awards and grants. Recently, he has been given the state award for being the best college teacher in Science by the Government of Karnataka.

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Bibliographic information

Title Morphology and Economic Botany of Angiosperms
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1999
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788126103027
length 183p., Plates; Glossary; 23cm.