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Indian Climatology

Anandeshwari Awasthi (Author)

The knowledge of climatological characteristics of an area to planners and policy makers is a pre-requisite for following the scientific procedure of planning for development in various fields like agriculture, land resources, industry, urban development, telecommunication, aviation, strategic and tactical defence, promotion of tourism and control of diseases. In the present study, a thorough assessment and analysis of climatic elements has been made over Uttar Pradesh and finally various climatic regions have been delineated. An attempt has been made to carry out a scientific diagnosis of rainfall regime and water balance in different parts of the state. Besides, efforts have been made to workout estimates of the moisture holding capacity of the soil in various parts of the state on the basis of existing soil and vegetation. Climatic water balance at selected stations has been worked out on the basis of Thornthwaite's methods and the relevant tables prepared by Thornthwaite and matter.

The study will prove to be highly useful especially for regional planners engaged in the field of agriculture, water management, environment and land resource planning.

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Bibliographic information

Title Indian Climatology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 15.06.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788131314012
length xxxii+284p., Figures; Tables; 22cm.