Recent Advances in Biodeterioration and Biodegradation (In 2 Vols.)
Biodeterioraton is a vast and multidisciplinary problem and during the last two decades enormous amount of research work has been done on various aspects of the science. This book (in two volumes) is an attempt to present a complete account on the subject of biodeterioration and biodegradation. Different chapters have been contributed by internationally renowned authorities in the field. Current and future trends in the field have been thoroughly examined in these invited review chapters. The book will be very useful to teachers, students and researchers in the field of agricultural sciences, biotechnology, botany, building management, conservation and restoration sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, food sciences, forensic sciences health and hygiene industries, marine science, microbiology, museology, mycology etc.
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K.L. Garg
Neelima Garg