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Back to Basics a J C Kumarappa Reader

P. Bandhu (Author)

The wealth of a nation consists not in what few possess, but in the extent to which the majority can satisfy their daily wants, especially needs.Looked at from this angle, increase in the number of millionaires in a country need not indicate increase in the prosperity of the nation. Indeed, it may indicate the opposite, if the accumulated wealth was occasioned by restricted distribution. When Judging the wellbeing of a nation, our consideration should centre round the way in which purchasing power is distributed among the citizens... Democracy cannot exist where their is starvation, nakedness and poverty alongside of gult and glamourous living, which condition indicates exploitation of the weak by the strong.

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Bibliographic information

Title Back to Basics a J C Kumarappa Reader
Author P. Bandhu
Format Softcover
Date published: 11.07.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788190061551
length 432p.