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A Survey of Commonwealth Fiction

Alok Pattanayak (Author)

In this anthology, we analyse some important works of fiction originating from the former British colonies besides dealing with major topics in the current postcolonial debate, and put common wealth fiction itself into perspective. The book will be highly useful to the students, teachers and researchers of English literature, particularly those studying commonwealth fiction.

A Survey of Commonwealth Fiction continues to retain a separate identity in the twenty first century even though some of its creators do not favour the term any longer. Our identity stems from our history. English was a historical accident that gave an overwhelming majority of the Commonwealth countries the first opportunity for creative expression. English is now the chief marker of identity for commonwealth fiction, which owes its current high visibility in the international arena to English. In this light, stimulating answers may be found to the questions concerning the relevance of commonwealth as a literary category the common characteristics of the literatures produced in the former British colonies, and the role of academia in keeping alive the idea of commonwealth literature.

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Bibliographic information

Title A Survey of Commonwealth Fiction
Format Hardcover
Date published: 12.07.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pearl Books
Language: English
isbn 9789381575505
length v+282p.