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The World's Most Inspiring Thoughts for Self-Improvement

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About the author

G. Francis Xavier

Dr G Francis Xavier, PhD, founder-chairman of TAP Foundation International, has a doctoral research in Self-improvement with special emphasis on human potential and brainpower. He has been a regular practitioner of all the techniques offered in this book. Known as the Great Motivator, he conducts two training programmes: (i) Tap Your Genius – a multi-dimensional Personality Development Programme with special emphasis on enhancement of Memory Power; and (ii) Train the Trainers – a programme specially designed to create trainers in the field of Human Resources Development.He has conducted training programmes for over three decades in India, the US, Canada, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Kenya. Dr Xavier has also authored books on successful living, self-improvement, Yoga, vibrant health, palmistry, stress management, financial analysis and accounting,including The World's Best Thought-provoking Jokes, which was published recently by Pustak Mahal.

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Bibliographic information

Title The World's Most Inspiring Thoughts for Self-Improvement
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.08.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170866162
length xxii+246p., 21cm.