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Communication and Education in India Museums

Manvi Seth (Author)

The book traces the journey of Indian museums from the colonial to the present era pointing towards the changes in social perception of the museum and the evolution of its public service functions. It focuses primarily on art and archaeology Museums and their connection to the communication strategies. This book is an enquiry into methodology, interrelation and integration of the three independent yet connected fields of the Museology discipline, the Museum profession and the Communication science. It evaluates the working relationship of the museum profession and the discipline of Museology in India. The book emphasizes the need for a communication policy for Indian Art and Archaeology Museums with reference to revised vision, goals and aims as per the needs of Indian Visitors. It is an attempt at bringing to fore the importance of participatory communication with reference to the future of Indian museums.

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About the author

Manvi Seth

Dr. Manvi Seth Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of Museology, National Museum Institute. She has been teaching in the Department of Museology for past ten years. Prior to this, she worked as Curator, Decorative Arts, Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace, Jaipur.

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Bibliographic information

Title Communication and Education in India Museums
Author Manvi Seth
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.08.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length 29cm.