Eating Wisely and Well
Eating right is an important subject for all of us, After all, a healthy body is essential for a happy and productive life. Eating Wisely and Well simplifies the art of eating for optimal health. This book is a unique blend of knowledge from the East and the West. It addresses common questions such as which oils to use, demolishes myths such as the glorification of proteins, and provides authentic information about nutrients such as antioxidants and phytochemicals. Moreover, it has been written by an expert on nutrition who understands the modern science of nutrition inside out, and at the same time knows where and how to supplement it with ancient wisdom.
So,. if you want answers to questions such as how much water should you ideally drink, which is the best cooking oil, whether genetically-modified food is safe, how to eat right according to your predominant dosha, as well as tips on losing weight, this is the book for you.
Educated at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr Ramesh Bijlani, MD; SM; DSc (Honoris causa); FAMS, spent twenty-five years researching on nutrition in relation to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. At the same time, since 1992, he has delved into the depths of yoga, specially the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. His intimate contact with ancient Indian wisdom has made him aware of the lacunae in the modern science of nutrition, and how these may be filled up by turning to Ayurveda and yoga. He is also the author of Back to Health through Yoga.
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