Beneficial Fungi and their Utilization
This is a comprehensive compilation of very valuable review articles on edible mushrooms, mycorrhizae and other beneficial fungi presented by very eminent scientists of this country involved in the research work on the respective areas. The book is arranged in three section : Section I presents a detailed analysis of the importance of macromycetes as a delicacy of very high nutritive value and the problems and prospects of the cultivation and popularisation of many of the edible mushrooms of the tropics like, species of pleurotus. Volvariella, etc. There are chapters on how to collect and identify the naturally occurring mushrooms and thereby enabling us to utilise this natural wealth for food. Section II deals with mycorrhizae, the fungus-root association which has great ecological and agricultural significance. It is a well plant growth, impart resistance against drought and infection by root pathogens etc. The past work on mycorrhizae and the future prospects of their utilization in agriculture are discussed in detail. Section III provides the details of some of the many unique uses of beneficial fungi. This include uses of fungal cellulases in biotechnology, utilization of fungi for the production of single cell proteins, and for the control of pests and exploiting plant diseases for human welfare.
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M.C. Nair