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Gender Perspectives in Computing: An Anthology

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About the author

S. Balakrishnan

Sadanam P.V. Balakrishnan is a rare blend of the purist and the progressive. A respected performer and guru, Balakrishnan is rated as one of the best teachers of this complicated dance form and teaches in many national and international institutions including ARTA of France. Balakrishnan has won many national and international awards in his long and distinguished performing career. He was a the student of The kkinkaattil Ramunni Nair at the Gandhi Seva Saddanam Kathakali Academy and Kizhupaddam Kumaran Nair.

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Bibliographic information

Title Gender Perspectives in Computing: An Anthology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 10.10.2012
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788178359250
length 368p., Illustrations; 23cm.