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Electrical Power Systems

C.L. Wadhwa (Author)

In a clear and systematic manner, this book presents an exhaustive exposition of the various dimensions of electrical power systems. Both basic and advanced topics have been thoroughly explained and illustrated through solved examples.

Salient features

Fundamentals of power systems, line constant calculations and performance of overhead lines have been discussed

Mechanical design of lines, HVDC lines, Corona, Insulators and Insulated cables have been explained

Voltage control, Neutral grounding and Transients in power systems explained

Fault calculation, protective relays including digital relays and circuit breakers discussed in that order

Power systems synchronous stability and voltage stability explained

Insulation coordination and over voltage protection explained

Modern topics like Load flows, Economic load dispatch, Load frequency control and compensation in power system nicely developed and explained using Flow Charts wherever required

Zbus formulation, power transformers and synchronous machines as power system elements highlighted

Large number of solved examples, practice problems and multiple choice questions included. Answers to problems and multiple choice questions provided

With all these features, this is an invaluable textbook for undergraduate electrical engineering students of Indian and foreign universities. AMIE, GATE, all competitive examination candidates and practising engineers would also find this book very useful.

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About the author

C.L. Wadhwa

C.L. Wadhwa, formerly Professor and Head of Electrical Engineering Department at the Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Professor Wadhwa has an experience of more than 30 years in teaching undergraduate as well as postgraduate classes in the areas of electrical machines, transmission networks, utilisation of electric energy, switchgear and protection, high voltage engineering, electric field theory, advanced network analysis, computer optimisation, economics of power systems, computer methods in power systems, computer methods in power systems etc. He has also contributed a few papers in national and international journals. His current interests are economic operation of power systems, multi-objective programming and sparsity techniques in power systems.

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Bibliographic information

Title Electrical Power Systems
Author C.L. Wadhwa
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2006
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788122417739
length 887p.,