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Rock Art of Pachmarhi Biosphere

Meenakshi Dubey Pathak (Author)

One of the largest concentrations of painted rock shelters in the country is found in the Pachmarhi Hills in the folds of the Satpura ranges. These hills are full of rock shelters, many of them large and painted. Ecologically, the location of the Pachmarhi hills is quite suitable with large shelters, dense forest, water sources and high overhangs of rocks with honeycombs. The subject matter of the Pachmarhi paintings is rich and varied. A variety of cultural (dance and music), religious (rites), domestic (copulation, relaxation and recreation) and economic (collection of honey, food, fishing, hunting and transportation of loads) activities are shown in the paintings of earlier periods. The drawings of later periods show soldiers, fighters, riders and head hunters. Human figures (3449) account for all art activities. These figures represent different age groups. Twenty-five animal species totalling up to 2008 figures, include big cats, elephants, deer, antelopes, reptiles and insects. Sometimes fowl and peafowl have also been depicted. Brahmi and Nagri Script were found in Pachmarhi.

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About the author

Meenakshi Dubey Pathak

Dr. Meenakshi Pathak is known for her immense passion for the ancient rock art in India and all over the world. India has one of the major concentrations of this amazing cultural heritage which is also her field of study. She was awarded a Doctorate under the National Fellowship of University Grants Commission of India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Rock Art of Pachmarhi Biosphere
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2013
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789350500729
length xviii+266p., Colour Plates; 29cm.