Agricultural Credit and NABARD
Finance plays an important role for every productivity, agriculture is no exception to it. Every sector of the economy needs finance both for carrying on day-to-day activities and also for giving momentum to growth and progress. For rapid growth in agriculture, credit is required by the farmers. There are several credit institutions providing credit facilities to the agricultural sector. But we find most of them acting as credit shops disbursing credit and getting it back while the basic concept of development oriented financing is that credit is consciously used as lever of development. In view of the above stated facts NABARD was set-up on the recommendations of the Committee of review arrangements for institutional credit for agriculture and rural development (CRAFICARD). NABARD under takes the functions of apex refinance for the promotion of agriculture and allied activities. The present book studies the importance of agriculture finance, the different credit agencies, functions, organisational set-up and refinance operations of NABARD. This book will be equally useful to research scholars, financial institutions, administrators and students of economics.
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