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Economic Development and Income Distribution

Ashutosh Kumar (Author)
Synopsis Economic Development and Income Distribution attempts to establish relationship between economic development and share of the top 20, middle 40 and bottom 40 per cent of the population on the basis of available data about sixty countries of the world. It examines the validity of Kuznet’s ‘Inverted-U’ hypothesis during the decades of seventies, eighties and nineties. Further, it brings out the relationship between structure of the economies and income distribution. The study also examines the determinants of poverty at cross-country level. It also brings out the extent of poverty and inequalities and their determinants in case of India by using data about 16 major states of the country. Besides using simple techniques, rotated factor analysis and discriminant analysis have been applied to analyse the data. The book beautifully derives the policy actions for more equitable distribution and policy package for the purpose for developing countries like India.
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Bibliographic information

Title Economic Development and Income Distribution
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176294381
length xiv+327p., Bibliography; Index.