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Dictionary of Commemorative Plant Generic Names: Volume VII: Earliea to Eysenhardtia

Sudhir Chandra (Author)

The present work represents Vol. 7 of the projected 20 volumes aimed for completion by 2014-2016. This book cover 15,000 to 18,000 commemorative names in the total work covering all fields of botany.

Scope of the work:

Generic names have been used as markers through which light has been thrown on the Botanical History of the Region. Influences which have influenced a botanist's career and the resultant influences on other botanists creating a web of information. From volume two onwards attempts have been made to provide brief biographical data on associated of person honoured, wherever possible.

A detailed index has been prepared. Eponyms of persons which will be covered in future volumes, but found mention in the present volume, have been given.

Utility of the book:

This will be of interest to both amateur and professional botanists as a compendium of information on botanists as in an Encyclopaedia with information on additional sources.

Will be of interest to regional botanists all over the world as botanists of most nationalities have been honoured.

Generic entries have been used as point sources for seeking information on development of a discipline, or history of floristic exploration of a region etc.

Information on mythological personages honoured in plant names are given.

Will be of interest to students of botany as Botanical History has been treated as a dynamic force shaping present and future course of botanical development with a web of interlinked botanical facts, founders, promoters, students, teachers, botanical influences and revolutions.

Contents: 1. Dictionary of commemorative plant genera earliea to eysenhardtia. 2. Supplement 2: A_D. 3. Supplement to Vol. 1. 4. Supplemnt to Vol. 2. 5. Supplement to Vol. 3. 6. Supplement to Vol. 4. Major works consulted additions. Index.

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About the author

Sudhir Chandra

Sudhir Chandra, Emeritus Professor and Former Head, Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, is well known for his contribution on variuos aspects of Plant Pathology and Agricultural Microbiology. He pioneered the work on Rhizosphere microbiology, Phyllosphere microbiology and Seed pathology and control of plant diseases with homoeopathic drugs and initiated the study of biofertilizers including vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza, nitrogen fixers and phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms at Allahabad. He developed a numbers of microbial package for improving the productivity in cereals, pulses, medicinal plants, horticultural as well as floricultural crops. He also worked on the role of microbial inoculants in wastelands development and developed packages of microbial inoculants for plantation programmes in a variety of wastelands including silica mining tract, brick fields etc. Research programmes of Professor Chandra have been financed by various Government agencies like UGC, DST, CSIR, ICAR, UPSCST, DOE, and PL480 etc. He is Fellow of Indian Botanical Society, Indian Phytopathological Society, International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources and National Academy of Sciences. He has been Executive member of a number of Societies and Advisor to the Berlin Documentation Project on Research in Homoeopathy, Germany as well as Member, Editorial Board of a number of journals. He has been a reviewer of many journals and research projects. He has written and edited a number of book sand monographs. Prof. Chandra was President IPS, ME Zone in 1992 and was honoured with TERI MEDAL in 1990 and Jeersanidhi award of IPS in 1992. He has trained a number of microbiologist and plant pathologist and authored over 200 research papers/review articles during forty years of his research and teaching career.

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Bibliographic information

Title Dictionary of Commemorative Plant Generic Names: Volume VII: Earliea to Eysenhardtia
Format Hardcover
Date published: 28.12.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788121108331
length xiii+630p.,