No Dawn of the Midnight Freedom
On the occasion of transfer of power in the midnight of 14 August 1947, the Indian leaders made several tall promises of eradicating poverty, hunger, malnutrition, illiteracy, crime and corruption from the Indian soil and lead the country to the path of prosperity and modernization. But after formation of self government, the current demand is for the good governance. The reason is that, during the last 55 years after independence, poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and unemployment have not only increased tremendously but country has fallen in the whirlpool of corruption, crime chaos, anarchy and huge foreign debt. It is well known that India has made laudable progress in the arena of agriculture, industry and other economic activities. But why dreams of freedom movement and promises of midnight freedom remained unfulfilled to the masses has been analysed and explained in this book as well as ways and means of how to achieve the socio-economic freedom.
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