Ornamental Aquaculture: Technology and Trade in India
Ornamental fishes are getting rapid transformation from Aquariumto the status of trade in our country. Indias has tremendouspotential in ornamental aquaculture for achieving an aqua rainbowrevolution. National Level Conference organised by FisheriesResearch and Extension Centre, Tanuvas was comiled and brough outas book entitled " Ornamental Aquaculture-Technology and Trade inIndia", which deals with the present sscenario, future scope,global and local market trends, indigenous ornamental fisheryresources (both fresh water and marine), advanced aquaculturesystems (viz. raceways, lined ponds, cages etc.), aquaphonics andthe breeding of freshwater, marine and brackishwater cultivablespecies. The book also deals with the Government schemes availablefor the entrepreneurs for promoting ornamental aquaculture inIndia.
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Bibliographic information
T.V. Anna Mercy
Saroj Kumar Swain