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My Brother's Wedding

Andaleeb Wajid (Author)

Q, Y, X, T, T and B are not merely high-scoring Scrabble tiles; they represent the people in Sabas life who feature on her blog, My Brothers Wedding. Sabas brother, Y, is to get married and, since the day her mother and sister began scanning the horizon for prospective brides, theres never been a dull moment at home. Saba, though, just cannot understand what the fuss is all about. A literature student pulled away from her beloved books, she finds the blogosphere a good place to rant in and to share with the world how a wedding can make everything around you go haywire. Join Saba and her family as they quarrel over shopping, expenses and responsibilities, and as they realize gradually that theres nothing like a wedding to bring a family together.

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About the author

Andaleeb Wajid

Andaleeb Wajid is the author of Kite Strings, Blinkers Off and More than Just Biryani. Her stories have been published in Good Housekeeping and she has written extensively for Open Sesame, the childrens supplement of Deccan Herald. Andaleeb worked as a technical writer and then did a stint in corporate communications before she quit to concentrate on a full-time writing career. She lives in Bengaluru with her family.

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Bibliographic information

Title My Brother's Wedding
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.07.2013
Edition 1st.ed.
Publisher Rupa & Co.
Language: English
isbn 9788129123992
length 264p., 20cm.