Worshipping the Divine Oneness of Arunachala-Ramana
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and the Holy Hill of Arunachala arethe names given to that Ultimate Truth which is beyond all namesand forms. The identity of these two forms as the one UltimateTruth, the Self, leads us to call Bhagavan Arunachala-Ramana. Herealized not only Arunachala, but every being and everything as Hisown Self. Arunachala-Ramana had no merely localised experience of Ias the body-mind complex; He realized the I as this universal,all-pervading Self.
The name and form of Arunachala-Ramana is the entry door torealization of this universal, all-pervading Self for spiritualseekers. He has appeared as the Guru to guide them on this journeyto the ultimate fulfilment of ones life to realize the Self.
Those who worship the Holy Hill of Arunachala by per-formingGiripradakshina receive blessings to accelerate reaching their goalto merge with that Self into which Arunachala-Ramana has merged.Arunachala Ramana has said time again that the Holy Hill ofArunachala waits to respond eagerly and tenderly to even thedevotees weakest yearning to fulfill the Ultimate Goal of Life.
As Arunachala-Ramana said, He has not gone anywhere, but dwellsin devotees hearts, and is eternally there as the Self.
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