Rethinking Theology in India: Christianity in the Twenty-First Century
A seminal book entitled Rethinking Christianity in India was published in the year 1938 and since then it has been influencing people from different spectrum; it continues to play a major role in the ecclesiological and theological realms even today. However, the landscape of the country i.e., social, economic, political, cultural, and religious has been changing rapidly. Peoples movements including subaltern movements and human rights movements gained momentum in the social sphere. The trends in Christianity too were also rapid. Theology of dialogue, Theology of religions, Indian Theology, Liberation Theology and its various offshoots were among the outcome. Birth of subaltern theologies is part of that trajectory. In view of the changed scenario an attempt is being made to review the developments and probe emerging issues. Hence a project of this nature is being organized keeping in mind the dynamics of social movements, and that social transformation is a major agenda in current theology.
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Bibliographic information
T.K. John