The Song of Irrelevance: Meditation of What You Are
Extreme - thats how seasoned Advaita buffs would term the KarlRenz brand of Advaita, suggesting compromise as an option. Howeverthe option of compromising or not itself gets burnt out in theuntamed fire of Karls living words.
I would rather kill myself than bullshit myself, says Karl,scoffing at requests to be nice or accommodating to listenersgasping for survival. By neither confirming nor destroying coreideas of mind, no-mind, presence, absence, real, unreal, he ends upmesmerising the intellect. Oxy-moron Karl merrily hums his song ofirrelevance without intention of teaching, sharing or clarifying -whatever. Care-freeness itself in action.
Paradoxes unlimited, neti-neti: negation-negation, then negationof the negator and finally negation of negation itself. In that,there is no finally. This seemingly is the melody of Karls Song ofIrrelevance - meditation of what you are.
I dont talk to you, he says. Relevance seekers can eat theirhearts out. Irrelevance pervades here - with the flavourlessflavour of nobody needing to grasp anything! And the effect? Smilesand chuckles unlimited! Welcome to this menu of indigestible talks - an assortment oftalks from Coimbatore, India and KohSamui, Thailand. You may savourthem, even chew on them, but digesting them could be hazardous....they could well end up digesting you.
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Manjit Achhra