Worry and be Happy: The Audacity of Hopelessness
Its the welcome release from needing any release which makesKarls display of 'the audacity of hopelessness in this book soenchanting and endearing.
If you believe you have made it spiritually it may be worthwhileto test your 'understanding through an encounter with Karl.Honestly though, in such a situation, he is not the kind of guy youwould particularly enjoy meeting! In the now overcrowded world ofsagely Advaita gurus dishing out profound insights into our realnature, Karl stands out as a sore thumb. Like a drunken Kung-Fumaster, Karl, in his crazy off- balance style, mocks and puncturesthe validity of these insights - displaying unshakable balance!
With sparking and soothing humour, Karl mesmerizingly ripsthrough anything and everything that can be ripped through, to themixed dismay and wonder of onlookers. And underlining it all is anunmistakable unshakability. In fact, it is this effortless. Andushakability which manifests through Karl that draws seasonedseekers to him. They flock to him either through resignation or arenewed desire for a breakthrough. Thankfully, once there, neitherseems to matter!.
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Manjit Achhra