E- Governance and Rural Development
Many experiences all over the World proved that ICTs can play a major and vital role as an agent of change in rural development. There are several projects being implemented in India, which are employing ICTs to support economic development -income generating venture, increase of agricultural production, improve health conditions and promotes overall quality of life in rural areas. The present book mainly focuses on the role of ICT-led e-Governance programmes in rural development especially through public service delivery mechanism.
The present book is divided into eight chapters. First chapter explains the concepts of Technology, Information Technology, Information & Communication Technology, Rural Areas, Development, Rural Development and Sustainable Rural Development; Second chapter provides the details on different rural development programmes in pre and posi-independence India; Third chapter elucidate the applications of ICTs for sustainable rural development by e-Governace and IT Act 2000, IT Amendment Act 2008, National E-Governance Plan and e- Governance initiative of developing countries and India; fifth to seventh chapters mainly focus on the description of e- Governance programmes in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra with special reference to Rural e-Seva programme, Akshaya Programme and Warana Wired Village project respectively and last chapter presents the conclusions and future prospects.
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