Cloud Computing in Library Automation
The entire web of informational world arena is available on just a single click on internet. This information accession computational development has changed the way of people to retrieve information from their personal computer. Libraries are not left apart from the impact of internet. In this digital era of information technology, modern and hybrid libraries are attempting and achieving users? satisfaction to their best level with the use and application of the digital and technological tools. As library is considered as the heart of every educational and research institute there is a need of bringing high standard in library services with the help of ICT. Libraries have been using some of the cloud services for over a decade. Online databases and large union catalogues can be defined as the cloud applications. In this way cloud computing is another feather to ICT revolution which is going to create a new prospect towards technological empowerment. Cloud computing being a subscription based service where we can obtain network storage space and computer applications. We can use this information in a very economic and efficient way as we need to pay for only what we use instead of spending on infrastructure and whole applications.
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Pradip Kumar Nikhandia