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Image of India in the Indian Novel in English

Sushma Bharti (Author)

This book seeks to explore the early transplantation of English language in India during the British colonial rule and the hindrances faced by it to become a communication link between the British and the Indians. It also discusses the reactions of Indians towards English language and its impact of Indian renaissance.

Through a detailed study of the Indian novels in English, it addresses the issues like trimetric of land, culture and identity, crisis of Anglo-Indian literature, changing trends in writing, nationalism, political implications, cosmopolitanism, portrayal of Indian middle class women, fratricide, Indian partition, cultural authenticity and postcolonial eco- feminism and activism.

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Bibliographic information

Title Image of India in the Indian Novel in English
Author Sushma Bharti
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789381991718
length viii+232p., 22cm.