Afghanistan and The Major Powers: The Interface of Geostrategic, Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Factors
Afghanistan has been an attraction for Great Powers historically. However, It has never been the final destination for the powers. Afghanistan ib not resource-rich and precipitates diffcult terrains with its hills and forests. Afghanistan's imporatance in the eyes of the Great Powers lies in its status as a bridge to other areas of influence. Afghanistan and the Major Powers: Interface of geostrategic, Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Factors tries to explain away the significance of Afghanistan from different perspecitives by taking into to explicate the constant frictions between the nature of the Afghani state and the interests and policies of Major Powers. Apart from the Great Powers with global ambitions, there are several other powers with regional ambitions avtive in spreading their Geostrategic and Geoeconomic interest in Afghanistan. Hence, the concept 'Major Powers' embraces both the categories of powers. The book is not confined to the study of major power's interests alone, it also discusses their implications and fallouts.
The book is an attempt to make a synthesis out of disparate interests and role of Major Powers in Afghanistan by bringing in coherence and systematic analysis. It not underlines the continuing interest of Major Powers in Afghanistan.
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