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Sentinels of Calcutta: Evolution of the Calcutta Police

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About the author

P. Thankappan Nair

P. Thankappan Nair (b. 1933), hailed as the "bare-foot historian", and talkin', walkin', livin’ encyclopaedia of Kolkata has produced no less than 39 volumes, out of which 31 are on the City of his choice. He has received exposure on the electronic and other media, at home and abroad, besides felicitation addresses and mementoes from several institutions of Calcutta, including the University of Burdwan, which conferred on him a D. Litt. After working for about a decade, he is again concentrating on Kolkata, taking up heritage history of the City in hand.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sentinels of Calcutta: Evolution of the Calcutta Police
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2013
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Punthi Pustak
Language: English
isbn 9789381209042
length xlviii+251p., 3 Pages of Plates; Illustrations; 25cm.