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Mr. Raghunathasuri (Author) IAIM (CTF) Publication Series

Bhojanakutuhalam of Raghunatha Suril literally means 'curiosity for or about food'. This work quenches the thirst of the seekers of Knowledge about the the different natural food elements and also the food products that are preoared by processing these elements. It also gives a detailed exposition of various aspects associated with consumption of food, water etc. This text is an encyclopedic work on ancient food science and technology developed by our predecessors. Though the author belongs to the 17th century he has compiled in a systematic manner all the information available about food, right from the ancient texts like Caraka samhita etc. Therefore, it is a very prominer text from the point of view of the study of the India culture and civilization also. This work is most relevant today as it sheds ample light on our much degenerated food habits and stresses on the corrective measures one has to take to maintain proper physical and mental health.

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Bibliographic information

Title Bhojanakutuhalam
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: Sanskrit, English
isbn 9788190896580
length 598p., Colour; Illustrations; 24cm.