Sugarcane Tiger: The Phenomenon of Wildlife in Tarai Farmlands
Wild animals are not confined to an existence inside forests and much wildlife including large carnivores, live in farmlands outside the instiutionalized forests, parks and reserves. Our knowledge base as to how dangerous mammals agree to live in human dominated landscape is very scanty because the subtle nuances that help ethologist. It is only when we can recognize and value the way they live without creating from the otherwise nomalized habital.
This book is an exclusive record of the farmland tigers of the Tarai. Large carnivores always do not necessarily need true wilderness for survival and a viable population farmlands as an integral part of its ecosystems. The author maintains that it gradually developed into an ecotype strain called sugarcane tigers. This unique animal inhabitats the biome of sugar plantations by prediction where a dense canopy of fronds and running irrigation shield a selective holiding ground, offering a better home than the jungle.
It was a paradigm-shaking developmen which the project Tiger mandarins found unpalatable behind the shield of their rigid scientific dogma, which was in fact their incompetence and ecological igorance. The confussion led to chos, resulting in an unprecedented spree of man-tiger conflict, which took a toll of more than 500 human lives and nearly a hundred tigers. In the fateful years of 80s. the ultra-complex currents malformed the suger field of Tarai into one of the most cursed tiger turfs of the world with Dudhwa-farmlands as its flag-house.
The tumultuous phase of cane-tigers lasted for a good forty years aroun Dudhwa and its adjacent districts, and then gradually faded out due to poaching, poisoning and trapping as the charismatic animals disappeared rapidly from their one and only stonghol pf the Tarzi farmalands.
The book is a firsthand researched assessment of the farmland wildlife of Tarai, with an intellecturl that has brought the reality of sugarcance tiger to the surface.
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Bibliographic information
Samridhi Shukla
Shrivridhi Shukla
Samridhi Shukla
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam