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Vedic and Sanskrit Historical Linguistics

Jared Klein (Editor) Elizabeth Tucker (Editor) Papers of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference

This volume contains 10 articles based on papers presented at the Linguistics sessions of the 13th World Sanskrit Conference (Edinburgh, July 2006) and shows the engagement of scholars with all aspects of Vedic Grammar, including phonology, inflectional and derivational morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicography, and stylistics. In many cases the articles constitute integral parts of long-term research projects of their authors that are ongoing even at this date of publication and therefore present the broad sweep of the field of Vedic linguistics as it is currently being practised.

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Bibliographic information

Title Vedic and Sanskrit Historical Linguistics
Format Hardcover
Date published: 25.06.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788120836327
length x+299p., Illustrations; 22cm.