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Human Ecology in Action (In 2 Vols.)

Shashi Kumar (Author)
Synopsis An attempt has been made in this book to provide a philosophical perspective to the "Inter-dependence" in and among the various levels of social pyramid with "individual" at the bottom and "society" at the top. It makes an effort to highlight the loopholes and weaknesses in "the education system." It emphasises on the ways and means to transform the inherent challenges into opportunities in the spheres of education and agriculture. The study deals with the critical theme of food, nutrition and environmental security. It also brings to centerstage the need to help the farm families to achieve utmost levels of productivity, employment, income, and quality living, for sustaining ecological security and natural sovereignty; and emphasises on the role played by trained products of the institutes for higher learning. In totality, it provides a mirror which not only reflects but, also, showcases the grains of coherence required to nurture the ecological conceptions of human world. The volume will be of great use as a reference book to students and research workers in the field of human ecology and education.
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Bibliographic information

Title Human Ecology in Action (In 2 Vols.)
Author Shashi Kumar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126901470
length xvi+550p.