Studies on Odonata and Lepidoptera Fauna of Foothills of Aravalli Range, Rajasthan
Records of the Zoological Survey of India: Occasional Paper
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Contents: 1. Aravalli Range of Rajasthan: i. Introduction. ii. Aravali Ranges. iii. Geology. iv. River valley catchments. v. Rainfall pattern. vi. Temperature regimes. vii.Vegetation (Trees and Shrubs). viii. Forests. ix. National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries. References. 2. Odonata (Damsel and Dragonflies): i. Introduction. ii. Materials and Methods. iii. Results. iv. Discussion. References. 3. Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths): i. Introduction. ii. Materials and Methods. iii. Results. iv Discussion. Summary. References. Photoplates.
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Books in the series
Studies on the Soft Corals (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) of Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal
Bibliography and Checklist of Corals and Coral Reef Associated Organisms of India
Studies on Faunal Diversity and Coral Reef Ecosystems of Palk Bay
Animal Remains from Jaugada Archaeological Site, Orissa and Their Relevance to the Ancient Civilization
Books by the same author
Development and Communication Morphosis
Status Survey of Some Mammals in Gujarat With Special Reference to Chinkara and Desert Cat
Pictorial Handbook on Damselflies and Dragonflies (Odonata Insecta) of Rajasthan
Studies on the Selected Families of Hymenoptera: Apidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, Scolidae and Vespidae: of Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal
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