Ecology Environment and Agriculture
Ecology, environment and agriculture are inseparably allied. Agriculture, in essence, produces foods by transforming natural environments and manipulating ecological processes. Environmental factors determine structure and functions of an ecosystem.
This book attempts to collate many chapters written by well-known ecologists, environmentalists and agriculturists which discuss critical issues, perspectives and strategies influencing our ecosystems, physical environment and food production processes. It calls for evolving agricultural practices (agronomic, plant breeding, extension, communication, etc.) and systems that not only feed human populations on sustainable basis but also take care of ecosystem functioning and help optimize environmental factors so that agriculture also takes care of the environment and natural resources on which it vibrantly relies.
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Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development
Agriculture Against the Climate Odds: Perspectives and Interventions for Food Security in the Difficult Times of Global Warming
Soil Ecology the Basis of Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation
Eco-Crisis in the Himalaya: Causes, Consequences and Way Out
Ecological Carnage in the Himalaya
The Jats: Their Role in the Mughal Empire
The Life and Times of Raja Mahendra Pratap
Climate Change and New Challenges: Society, Environment and Development
Sustainable Agriculture: A Search for Innovations
Bibliographic information
Vir Singh
Govind Singh Kushwaha