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Globalization and Dairy Industry

Ramphul Ohlan (Author)

Why are major dairy producers not major exporters? How do globalization, trade liberalization and the World Trade Organization (WTO) regime affect the pattern and trends in the world dairy production and trade? Which countries supply the most exports of dairy products? Which countries are buying their exports? What is the value of these exports and which countries are the largest buyers? With the globalization of dairy market, stakeholders can no longer be contented with a local view. The book "Globalization and Dairy Industry" provides an authoritative analysis of the impact of the WTO on the growth of the world dairy production and trade, and helps the reader approach a conclusion on the likely direction of these effects. In order to draw the policy lessons from the growth experiences of the worlds largest dairy processor: USA, net exporter: New Zealand and forerunner in milk production: China, the basic characteristics of their dairy industry are studied. An especial emphasis is placed on the investigation of the performance and prospects of dairy industry of the worlds largest milk producer: India. To this end, the extent and factors affecting productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of Indian dairy industry are thoroughly analyzed. Subsequently, it evaluates the government policies and programs launched in India for the development of dairy industry. Finally, the present work also illustrates how globalization, if not accompanied with suitable reforms in the domestic market, can turn opportunities into threats. The book is of paramount importance for all those interested in various contemporary issues in dairy.

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Bibliographic information

Title Globalization and Dairy Industry
Author Ramphul Ohlan
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9380012667, 9789380012667
length xxiii+391p., Illustrations; 24cm.