Eye Care in Ayurveda
Twenty first century is the century of science. However, the circle of time has again drawn the attention of people towards the usefulness of natural system and Ayurveda based lifestyle.
Our eyes are the most important sense organs among five gyanedriyas. Chemicals, glittering light and constant use of computer and television in present time, affect the eyes very much. More and more children below 10 years of age are requiring spectacles. The number of school and college going students and youth wearing the spectacles in increasing. Under such circumstances, it is every important to propagate the information on etiology, symptomatology of eye diseases, measures to prevent them and various treatment procedures to treat them that are mentioned in Ayurveda texts like Sushruta Samhita and others. The knowledge of drugs for eye diseases as mentioned in Ayurveda is very useful for common people.
Ayurvedic drugs like Amalaki, Bhringaraj, Chakshushya, Kumari, Mulaithi, Haridra, Punarnava, Papita, Gajar (carrot) Ghrit, Lauha and Triphala churna, Mahatriphala Ghrita, Saptamrit Lauha etc. are very useful in eye diseases.
Special therapeutic procedures like – Aschyotan, Putapak, Vidhalaka, Tarpana, Shirovirechana, Parishek, Anjan, Pindi (Poultice) etc. are used very successfully in some Ayurvedic hospitals of southern part of India, particularly in Kerala and Karnataka. Yogic practices like Kunjal and Tratak are also found to be very useful in eye diseases.
In the present book, various methods of Ayurvedic treatment for eye diseases are presented in an easy way. The efforts put in by the author Dr. Kartar Sing Dhiman and the editor Dr. V.V. Prasad, Director, RAV are commendable.
I hope that this book will be useful to present Ayurvedic treatment before students, practitioners and patients suffering from eye diseases.
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