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Pranayama with Postures for Specific Benefits

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About the author

M. K. Gopalakrishna

MKG as he is popularly Known, is one of those rare individuals who have been able to utilise and display their concentrated power of observation, intuition and inspiration, both in the specialized engineering domain, the domain of health and well-being and numerous tasks undertaken in everyday life. There is no better example of Sri Aurobindo’sdictum "All life is Yoga". Even though his first degree is in Botany, he was senior manager (technical) in several multinational companies. His discourses stress the role Prc a In developing a unified spiritual life. The renowned Vedant in Sri Nisargadtta Maharaj and adepts like Swami Vedantin Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and adepts like Swami Rma had told him that he has nothing more to learn. Still even in his eightieth Year he is adding to his Knowledge in all health domains prompting an expert Allopathic physician to explain that MKG Knows more about medicine and health than most acclaimed physician. He has utilized his deep Knowledge of music for healing purposes. His life is an excellent counter example to the popular no serious spiritual Progress is possible for one who has not taken the formal vow of syncs His network of students has spread all over the world.

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Bibliographic information

Title Pranayama with Postures for Specific Benefits
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 8179941213
length 60p., B/W; Illustrations