Contemporary Issues on lobal and Nepalese Economy: Mainstreaming the Real Policy Agenda
Despite some sweepings alterations in Nepal's political system after the historical political change of 2006 which was grounded on people's long struggle and sacrifices, the agenda of social-economics transformation essential for bringing about prosperity of nation and people swiftly still remains elusive. Demise of Constituent Assembly determined to maintain status quos at the ground level are primarily contributing to this.
Amidst such tendencies, the book covering numerous interrelated issues grounded on political economy reasoning discusses the need and possibilities of pursuing state and economic restructuring agenda. as well as drastic changes and reforms in neo-liberalism led economic policy regime is essential in the Nepalese context. It after analyzing various macro and other policies as well as planning and budgetary system and processes added by review of important programs and institutional set ups and arrangements shows that how many of them have been counterproductive or detrimental despite so much potentials in Nepal. Growth, exclusion, inflation, unemployment, inequality, proverty, external dependency, socio-economic deprivation etc related issues have been critically analyzed in the book to explain the principal reasons.
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