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A Textbook of Abnormal Psychology

Abir Lal Mukherjee (Author)

Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. The term cover a broad range of disorders, from depression to obsession-compulsion to sexual deviation. Counselors, clinical psychologies and psychotherapists often work directly in this field. Abnormal behavior approach for improving mental health and behavior of abnormal children is a programme based on scientific concepts, psychological principles and experience. The field of abnormal psychology identifies multiple causes for different conditions, employing diverse theories from the general field of psychology and elsewhere, and much still hinges on what exactly is meant by “abnormal”. There has traditionally been a divide between psychological and biological explanations, reflecting a philosophical dualism in regards to the mind body problem. There have also been different approaches in trying to classify mental disorders. Abnormal includes three different categories, they are subnormal, supernormal and paranormal. This unique presentation on behavior management and mental health is a must for students and teachers of psychology, child psychologists, social workers an general readers.

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Bibliographic information

Title A Textbook of Abnormal Psychology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 12.03.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Rajat Publications
Language: English
isbn 9788178806747
length x+277p., Illustrations; 23cm.