Precambrian Crust in Eastern and Central India
Recent investigations under the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-368 project on "Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana" have led to much better understanding of the assembly, dispersion and reassembly of East Gondwana supercontinent during the Proterozoic. Participants from GSI and other organisations from India have been actively associated with this IGCP project. An International Seminar on "The Precambrian Continental Crust on Eastern and Central India" was jointly organised by the Geological Survey of India and the Gondwana Research group, Osaka City University, Japan during 29-30 October, 1998 to take an overview of the progress of work. The present proceedings volume contains 24 papers that were presented in the Seminar by scientists both from India and abroad. Broad themes covered were: i. Stratigraphy and Regional Correlation; ii. Petrology and Geochemistry; iii. Structure and Tectonics and iv. Economic Geology.
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