Watershed Management
Water is an indispensable necessity to our very existence. Because of its central significance in the life, the knowledge and skills about management of water is vitally important for all aspects of human life and activities. As an important source of drinking water, protection and management of watershed is inevitable. Watershed management is the process of guiding and coordinating use of land and water resources in a watershed. When watersheds remain in pristine condition, the water quality and quantity are normally protected. The problems of watershed management are often exacerbated by a relative lack of observational information concerning water, in its various positions in the environment. In this new century of complexity and conflicts, water mangers will have to confront a confusing arena. To achieve success in this field, technological skills together with public cooperation is very essential. This book aims to present the basic concepts of water science and ecology to aid in management tasks. This comprehensive insightful study is much informative to mangers, scientists, planners, policy makers and engineers, who work in the field of watershed management.
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