Tibetan and Himalayan Healing: An Anthology for Anthony Aris
We all know the cause of ill-health: germs and ciruses; and, of course, genetic propensity. To these we should add: the ripening of recent or ancient karma; predatory demons and witches; adverse astrological configurations; the retaliation of earth-gods angered by humans' callous treatment of the environment; spilling milk on the stove. The treatment is also well known: allopathic care, whether Western, Tibetan or Ayurvedic; or the accumulation of merit to dissipate the burden of karma; or the shamanic hunt for lost souls; or violent exorcism; or any number of remedial techniques that have their home in the expanse of the Himalayan and Tibetan region. These techniques, and the world-views that underpin them, have in turn spawned a vast wealth of art, literature and performance, and no single disciplinary approach can possibly hope to do justice to such an extraordinary not by an attempt at synthesis but a celebration of diversity, sixty specialists of Tibet and the Himalaya were given free rein to write about any aspect of healing in the region, and this book is the result. In addition to offering detailed studies of some of the therapeutic tradition of the region, the collection as a whole opens a window onto the heart of the civilisation that generated or inherited these beliefs and practices, and continues to cherish them. field of "This anthology fills a lacuna that one can only wonder why on earth it had not been filled before. With its breathtaking range of contributions, this remarkable collection-a worthy offering to its larger than --life dedicatae-is a mine of primary information for the specialist as much as it is an ideal introduction for newcomers to the field of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies".
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Bon in Nepal: Traces of the Great Zhang Zhung Ancestors in the Himalayas: The Light of the History of Existence
Tibetans Who Escaped the Historian's Net: Studies in the Social History of Tibetan Societies
On A Day of A Month of The Fire Bird Year: Festschrift For Peter Schweiger on The Occasion of His 65th birthday
Kucha & Beyond, Divine & Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalaya
Bibliographic information
Ulrike Roesler